June 7,2009
Nageen Srinagar , Kashmir
An open letter to US President Mr. Barak Husain Obama
Jenab Barak Husain Obama Saheb
Honourable President of USA.
You had the privilege to address the global intelligentsia in Cairo University (Egypt) on June 4,2009 to create an atmosphere of optimism and thaw in the Muslim world in particular and global civil society in general. In fact the pacifists of the world felt thunderstruck, enthralled , captivated and fascinated by your thought –provoking and scintillating speech which evaded affectation and hackneyed verbiage which was once characteristic of the ego-centric demagogues of America . You , through your objectivity and pragmatism of concepts , have certainly kindled hope and euphoria in the hearts of those who crave for global peace and tranquillity .You were , we concede, candid and sagacious when you declared in unambiguous words that—
“America is not and never will be at war with Islam.”
“More recently ,tension has been fed by colonialism that denied rights and opportunities to many Muslims and Cold War in which Muslim` majority countries were too often treated as proxies without regard to their own aspirations .”
“Whatever we think of the past we must not be prisoners of it” and “this cycle of suspicion and discord must end.”
We, the pragmatists of the world, genuinely feel that brother Obama’s philosophical eirenicon to stem the rot and ensure global peace will soon get materialized to eventually salve the wounds of the oppressed and dispossessed people in various regions of the world . And this is how insurrectionists of the world can be brought round and co-opted for constructive activity especially state-dispensation . This is time to empower the enslaved and humiliated people of Kashmir, Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan. It is time to shun the desultory and myopic approach to global issues .
Let Obama’s Messianism lead him to the cherished goal of amicable , honourable and peaceful settlement of the outstanding global political problems .
Wish you success.
Wasalam Yours
June 7,2009 M. Azam Inqilabi
Patron Jammu Kashmir Mahaz-e-Azad
Nageen Srinagar .