Jammu Kashmir Mahaz-e-Azadi convened a weekly meeting on Wednesday at its party headquarters chaired by president Mir Mohammad Iqbal and was attended by some senior Mahaz leaders which include Mohammad Yousuf Kaloo, Jamsheed Querashi, Nazir Ahmad and Manzoor Ahmad. In the meeting a resolution was moved on the present political scenario and passed it unanimously with the pointed references on the recommendations of Pandian commission set up to probe Pathribal, Shangus killings, established in year 2000 and Jan commission set up in 2009 - to give recommendations for rape and murder of two young women of Shopian but it seems that the heads of the commissions have been brought under pressure to toe the line of government and give recommendations between the lines which befits so called administration, it is also a candid reality that Justice Pandian while camping at New Delhi`s JK house was insulted and his belonging thrown out, these like commissions have no credence but to give diversion to the original facts.
Mahaz always favours meaningful and result oriented dialogue meant to solve the long pending issue of Kashmir but the discourse should respect the wishes, aspirations and desires of naïve Kashmiris, Mir said.
Iqbal reiterated that for permanent peace in South Asia, it is mandatory on the leadership of India and Pakistan to resolve Kashmir issue amicably and peacefully through meaningful dialogue process.
President Mir Mohammad Iqbal maintained that the mission of martyrs shall be taken to logical conclusion, come what may.
Kashmir's never-ending conflict, a timeline of 70 years.
The seven-decade dispute over Kashmir has become a humanitarian nightmare,
the cause of three wars between nuclear rivals Pakistan and India, and the
5 years ago
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